RUBARB will host it’s annual party on
Saturday, Sept 9th from 3:30-6pm. Food, music, bike and school supply
give aways and more! All are invited. 2239 Piety St.
Fall Hours!
We were closed a bunch over the summer due to volunteers on
vacation. However, we are now back to our normal Mon/Wed/Sat hours!
Come join us!
GiveNola Day 2017
This TUESDAY, May 2nd is GiveNOLA Day in New Orleans. This is a pretty big deal and a huge fundraising opportunity for hundreds of organizations in the New Orleans area. We are a part of 2 great projects that are participating in GiveNOLA Day this year– RUBARB Community Bike Shop (an all volunteer shop that I helped start over 10 years ago and continue to be a part of) and Girls Rock New Orleans (an amazing summer camp that I’ve been an organizer for since it’s beginning, 4 years ago).
Both of these projects benefit youth, the community and are entirely run by volunteers! the extra funds we get on GiveNOLA day helps us continue our programming and perhaps offer a bit more.
RUBARB Community Bike Shop
Girls Rock New Orleans
Please consider donating on May 2nd! Even if it’s just $10, it will go a long way. pick 1 or pick both!
RUBARB Fundraiser 2017
It’s the time of the year again for our annual fundraiser; a night of amazing company, music, performances, auction items and more!
RUBARB Annual Fundraiser Friday, April 7th @ The Sanctuary! (2525 Burgundy St)
7-10pm, $10 adults/kids free!
With guests DJ Q(NOLAFam), Slow Rollas Brass Band, a puppet show, silent and live auction and more!
Come out to raise funds for the only community bike shop in town (run entirely by volunteers!)
Hope o see y’all there!
December Updates
Just wanted to give everyone a quick update on December going ons and some new programs at Rubarb.
First off, we want to let y’all know that we are having a Ladies/Queer/Trans night at Rubarb on Thurs Dec 15th from 6pm-9pm. Come enjoy a safe and supportive space to learn and work on your bikes! A couple days after that, come celebrate the holidays with Rubarb. On Saturday Dec 17th from 330-6:30pm, we will be throwing a holiday party all set up with food, music, and fun giveaways. Everyone is invited, all ages all day! Also we’ve been doing some great work on our front garden, headed by some awesome kids and great volunteers. We’ve also made some slight updates in the way the shop operates, so always make sure to check in with whoever is volunteering to make sure you’re getting the most out of our space!! Hope to see everyone soon. See below
Fundraiser Recap and Give Nola Day
Hey Y’all,
Just wanted to send a huge thank you to everyone who came out for the RUBARB Fundraiser a few weeks back. Despite the weather and a couple logistical errors, a ton of people came out and had a great time dancing and hanging at Dashing Bikes well into the night! For those who don’t live in New Orleans, the fundraiser isn’t the only way to show your support this season. This Tuesday, May 3rd is GiveNola Day in New Orleans. The website is This is a one-day, online giving event which over 700 non-profits are participating in, including RUBARB Community Bike Shop! This is our first time participating and WE NEED YOUR HELP! There are sorts of erxra prizes for the organizations, as long as we get folks donating.
RUBARB is an all volunteer community bike shop in the 9th Ward that has been going strong for 10 years! We help folks repair, maintain and build bicycles, as well as go on field trips(Jzzfest WOOP!) with youth, provide health snacks and get affordable bikes out to the community.!
Help us raise funds in the exciting, citywide event next Tuesday May 3rd(YOU CAN ONLY GIVE FOR THAT 24 HOUR PERIOD)
P.S. Even if you just donate $10, it can make a big difference
Rubarb Fundraiser This Friday!!!!!
Park Tool Set Up!
Kentrell, Tareek, and Rene helping set up our new Park Tool donation!
Rubarb 10th Anniversary Fundraiser!!!!!!!!
Its that time of year again, time for our Annual Rubarb Fundraiser!! It’s a night that combines bikes, music, puppetry, auction, and rad people. This year, Dashing Bicycles on Broad and Esplanade have been gracious enough to host our crew. Like in past years, we will have a diverse set of talented musicians performing, a live auction with a certified auctioneer, and an elaborate DIY puppet show. Come thru and chill, drink, eat, and dance at the Rubarb Fundraiser on April 1st 2016 at Dashing Bicycles on Broad St.
Event: Tenth Anniversary Rubarb Fundraiser
Date & Time: April 1st 2016 @ Dashing Bicycles on Esplanade and N. Broad
Cost: 10 Buxx
Park Tool Grant & MLK Day BBQ
Hey Rubarb Supporters,
Sorry for the hiatus, but we should be back to updating pretty regularly again. A bunch of exciting things have been going on at Rubarb since the holidays. On MLK Day, we held a bbq to celebrate MLK and a much needed day off. Big thanks to our DJs Jalen and Jocine, Sound System Provider Dan, BBQ master Taj, Food Runners Ben, Lauren, and Woody, Crowd Control Ms Jan and everyone else who was able to keep the open shop and BBQ party running simultaneously! Get it
In February, we applied to a Park Tool Community Grant that offered a Park tool kit with 2 new stands. Out of 200 organizations, we were among 10 chosen to receive the kits. Swing thru and check out and USE our brand new tools and stands! Thanks Park Tool. Pics coming soon Yat Yat
Hey Rubarb supporters, this Sunday Dec 6th, from 11-5 we will be hosting a winter overhaul workday!!! It will consist of cleaning out our shipping container of junk bikes/parts and possibly transforming it into a working space when nicer weather rolls around! Their will also be additional tasks around the shop, from getting some bikes to working condition to garden work! Flex your bike muscle, green thumb, or organizing skills for Rubarb’s Winter Work Day!
RIP Jerry Praetorius (volunteer)
I know we haven’t had an update in a minute, but a more detailed update with how are summer has been rolling as we move into the school year will be coming soon.
We wanted to reach out because a former volunteer and all-star mechanic, Jerry, passed away last Sunday. It’s hard to convey how much Jerry meant to our daily shop hours, because he helped soooooooo many people repair their bikes. To this day, he was the only one I knew who could take almost any frame from our pile and help someone restore it to an almost fully functional bike in a within a week….We are only open three days a week!!! He was literally a community bike guru and we will sorely miss him, his humour, and his skill.
Service info:
“One Last Ride” and Memorial Gathering. Bring your bicycle and meet at the Morning Call Coffee Stand in City Park(the old casino building) for staging a 730am. The bike ride is set to begin at 8am and we will ride until 9am ending at Morning Call for coffee, beignets and stories til about 1030am. If you’re able, please bring a donation of dog food which will be given to shelters to help feed the dogs displaced by the flood. 12 noon burial service in the Garden of Peace at he Garden of Memories Cemeteray on 4800 Airline Dr., Metairie. Immediately following the graveside service, please join us for refreshments at St. Vincent’s Hall, (between the Our Lady of Rosary Rectory and the Office) 1322 Moss St
HERE is a link to Jerry’s Obituary